Condensation Between Your Windows' Double-Pane Windows? Check The Seals

When condensation develops on the interior surfaces of your double-pane windows, it's usually due to a moisture problem inside your home. But when drops of water, or condensation, forms between your window glass panes, the seals around on your windows might be loose or degraded. Here's how loose or degraded seals affect your window glass and how you can fix them.

How Do Seals Loosen Up or Degrade?

Condensation are droplets of water that form when warm air comes into contact with a cold surface. The warm air may come from outside the home, or it may come from inside the home. If the seals on your windows are loose or degraded, they can allow warm air to invade the empty spaces between your window glass.

Seals are designed to keep moisture, heat, and cold air out of your home. But over the years, the rubber material of the seals can deteriorate or break down, which causes them to loosen up or pull away from the windows' glass panes.

Poorly sealed windows can also allow heat and cold air to escape your home during certain times of the year. For example, the warm air created by your heater may seep past the damaged seals during the cold season. You may even experience drafts of cold air during the winter.

If you repair the damaged seals, you may be able to prevent both issues above from occurring in your home.

How Do You Reseal Your Windows?

If you only have a couple of windows with condensation problems, you can try sealing them with caulk. Caulk prevents warm air from seeping between the panes of glass. But if you have multiple windows with condensation problems, contact a window repair contractor for help. A contractor can reseal your windows properly.

If a contractor detects other wood rot and other issues in your windows, they may suggest that you replace them altogether. Condensation can form in windows that suffer from wood rot and moisture problems. The rotting wood can spread to the structures supporting your windows, including the walls and ceiling. These areas of the home can be expensive to replace or repair. You can visit sites like for more information.

You can keep your new or repaired windows in good shape reducing the humidity in your home. Also, have a contractor inspect your windows and their glass regularly. A contractor can discuss a maintenance schedule that fits your budget and needs when you contact them.

For more details about condensation and how it affects your windows, contact a specialist today.
