Are You Ready For Cold Weather? 4 Tips To Get Your Vinyl Windows Ready For Winter

Winter is coming. In fact, it will be here before you know it. If you're not ready, you could be left out in the cold. Now that summer is winding down, this is a good time to tackle some of those home maintenance projects that will need to get done before the cold weather finally arrives. Your vinyl windows should be on that list of maintenance projects. Vinyl windows are among the best investments you can make in your home. Here are four steps you can take to protect your windows, and your home this winter.

Remove the Screens

If you get a lot of snow, or freezing temperatures during the winter months, the first thing you'll need to do is remove the screens from your windows. Keeping the screens on your windows will allow snow and ice to accumulate, which can damage your window frames, and your screens. To prevent the heavy ice and snow pack from weighing down your windows, take the screens off your windows, and store them away until spring.

Secure the Locks

While you're getting your windows ready for winter, it's a good idea to make sure all the locks are secured. During the spring and summer, you probably open your windows for fresh air and ventilation. Once the weather cools down, you might forget about those unlocked windows, which can create a security problem for you and your family. Be sure your home is properly secured this winter, by securing all your window locks as soon as the cooler weather arrives.

Give Them a Thorough Cleaning

You might not think that cleaning your windows would matter once winter arrives. However, leaving your windows dirty can actually lead to problems come spring time. For instance, dirt in the window frames can cause them to jam up when you try to open them in the spring. Protect your investment by giving your vinyl window frames a thorough cleaning before winter arrives. Fill a bucket with warm water and add about ¼ cup of lemon juice, and a few drops of liquid dish detergent. Use a clean sponge to wash your window frames, and then wipe them dry with a clean cloth.

Add Fresh Weatherstripping

After a few years of use, your weatherstripping can begin to wear out. If your weatherstripping is exposed to harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, it might not even last a few years. To make sure your home is properly protected against winters harsh temperatures, add a fresh application of weatherstripping to all your doors and windows before the cold weather arrives.

Contact a window service, like Gilkey Windows, for more help.
